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A photo of  Putin’s clandestine castle bought with colossal corruption, and made public by Navalny just after he was  incarcerated. This was carried by the National Post on 22 January 2021.

If I were he

probably I would still be

in Germany

thinking I could stay free

despite having abandoned my fate.


He knew he had no choice

but to return to raise his voice

his weapons words

truth towards

humanity his compass.


Despite poisoning and prison

and Presidential derision

he has shown he can prevail

now he cannot fail

a David facing a Goliath.


Hiding behind his sneering smile

his nemesis faces a dire trial

owing to corruption boundless and a population hostile-

a legacy of blood; this is his style

it’s on his lips and his hands and in his mind.


Alexei is a Mandela

a political fellow

a man who will not mellow

nor will he yellow

in the face of adversity.


He may not see the end of this story

yet whatever happens, he will know glory

steeped in allegory

whose example will help bring democracy and liberty.

to his people.

Click here to read in Spanish

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